Hiring A C-Suite NetSuite Expert Case Study

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Partnering With NetSuite Experts

Established recruitment experts for decades, we understand how important it is for any business to hire the right people.

Whilst this fact rings true for employees at all levels, its fundamental hiring starts with the right top-level people. Setting the direction of the business, your top levels are business makes or breaks. Here’s how we connected one client with a board-level NetSuite specialist who would support them on their rapid growth journey. 

Hiring A C-Suite NetSuite Expert
1 System
1 Requirement
1 Expert

The Requirement

Growing quickly in the NetSuite market, the business felt they didn’t have the right resources in place to keep up with the pace of scaling. Expanding more and more by the day, they no longer had the internal capacity to work 1 on 1 with everyone within the business. This inevitably meant the business was starting to lose control of the development of employees from junior to senior.

What the client needed was a NetSuite Learning and Development Specialist who could create structure and frameworks so that the company could grow more effectively and efficiently.

Main Objectives

  • Double headcount within 2 years
  • Open offices internationally (Asia & America)
  • Open barriers to other ERP’s
  • Become the FinTech specialist for NetSuite in the UK

The Fundamentals

Business Requirements

Having tried to resource for the role themselves internally, as well as reaching out to other agencies, the client still felt like the options presented to them weren’t necessarily the best fit for what the business required. After multiple failed searches, the client turned to IT Works Recruitment to find what they needed. Talking with the client, we discussed the function of the role within the business, who currently covered the resource gap, and the urgency of the skill set required. From there, we got to work on delivering the client talent options available.  


Recruitment Process & Options

Ultimately, as specialist recruiters, it’s our job to present our clients with a range of talent options and advise on hiring NetSuite skillsets. Before partnering with IT Works Recruitment, the business was only shown NetSuite Consultant profiles. Each one of these, however, didn’t match the unique requirements of the client. Showcasing a plethora of talents available in the NetSuite market, ranging in price and experience, we were able to narrow down exactly what and who our client needed. As this was a director-level role, the interview process was rigorous; and the candidates who they wanted to interview were given a 90-day plan to prepare. After interviewing 5 different candidates, they narrowed the shortlist down to one individual whom they wanted to offer the role to.


Transparent Communication

The professional we connected them with was an experienced L & D candidate, specialising in internal upskilling, who could support them in their expansion plans. Full transparency throughout the process ensured all parties were on the exact same page, and reassured the client they could hire with confidence. With all the above in place and clear expectations defined from the start, the offer process was smooth.

Coming soon...

The Delivery

Connecting the client to the right expert, at the right time laid the foundations of the business’s growth plan enabling them to scale effectively and efficiently.

With the success of the role, the business has now opened a new office overseas with the plan to expand further into other regions globally. Having a NetSuite specialist strategically placed within the business, the company has now been able to expand its client base and as a result increase profitability.

New Office

The Results

With a growing specialist NetSuite team, they can now better serve customers helping them open doors to the different NetSuite modules available. All roads are now leading the company to become a major player in the FinTech space. 

Connecting Experts

Interested in hiring a NetSuite professional? Wanting hiring options for your next NetSuite C-Suite hire? Contact our team today.