ERP Vs The Recruitment Journey

I’ve been reflecting a considerable amount over the previous couple of months around my journey in my time working within the recruitment industry, the challenges and successes which I’ve faced and the significance of these along with every milestone within my career.

In many ways, there are transferable skills between this and an ERP implementation, both of which I will touch on today.

I hope you enjoy this month’s blog and if you’d like to speak with me directly you can reach me on 01772 278050 or connect with me via LinkedIn.

Trainee Recruitment Consultant vs ERP Selection

When I first came into IT Works it was my first step into the world of professional services recruitment. Coming from a retail background I knew that the challenge was going to be tough.

In order to succeed I needed to lean on the people around me who’ve been there, and done that and also, educate myself with the training given in order to build a foundation of knowledge which could quickly be put into practice. In many ways, this is much like ERP Selection, in order to make sure you select the right package for you, research and education in key.

Putting this into practice would be the selection part leading into my next point.


Associate Consultant vs Planning & Design

Moving into my role as an Associate Consultant, was perhaps one of my biggest leaps. It was all about applying the knowledge which had been learnt at the early stages of my career and using the early successes as leverage moving forward.

I needed to be methodical and build a trusted and valued candidate and customer base which I was able to scale up moving forward. Again, much like the planning & design phase in that you need to build on the foundation of knowledge gained through practical application and closely monitoring successes and failures throughout.


Consultant vs Development & Testing

This is where things really started to get interesting. This is where I was able to start to develop my own personal style with the foundation of IT Works at my backbone.

I felt like the traction I was getting in the market was really coming to fruition, my knowledge of IFS was growing daily and my trial and error in the previous roles gave me a fantastic grounding and feeling moving forward. It became more and more prominent that consistency is key, much like an implementation, where consistently driving forward to the next step is crucial.

When I got to this stage I started reflecting on my time as a Trainee and Associate and started driving forward for the next goal – go-live.

Senior Consultant vs Go-live

At my most recent level. Looking forward to the future and what it will bring. Continuing to focus on consistency moving forward, providing high level solutions and reflecting on the previous journey.


Future Development & Continuous Improvement

What’s next for my recruitment journey? I’ve got a clear plan in my mind in what I want to achieve and the timescales attached to this however I think the most concise way to sum it up is my referring to ERP implementation and what happens once you get to go live. Continuous improvement.

Continuous improvement of myself, others around me and the business which we’re building together.

We are the experts in IFS recruitment so get in touch if you are looking for any of the following roles for your next IFS implementation: IFS Consultant, IFS Systems Manager, IFS Contractor, IFS ERP jobs, IFS Consultant jobs.