Infor Implementation Guidelines

An ERP implementation is never plain sailing. Countless times, I have received feedback from clients dealing with teething problems of implementations for various reasons. Without following simple steps in preparation for projects, clients are setting themselves up for failure, well before go-live.

This blog will provide those who are involved with or thinking of implementing Infor, with a simple guide on how to achieve a successful implementation.



Choose a system which is tailored to your business's specific needs. Taking a step back and assessing what your company’s requirements are, and how an ERP system will fulfil them, is imperative. Too many times companies choose an ERP system which isn’t suitable for their business processes, aims and objectives, which causes problems from the get-go. Having a disparity between the systems functionalities and the requirements of a company is never wise – therefore, plan before choosing!


Create a project plan which is achievable and realistic. Companies need to define reasonable goals in a time frame which is likely to be achieved. Rushing a project to achieve go-live in an allotted time will only cause problems further down the road which could have been avoided earlier in the process. Each member of the team needs to understand their objectives and work towards them cohesively, achieving their goals in the timeframes set out by the proposed project plan.

When investing a considerable amount of money and resource into a Infor project for example, it is important that companies are willing to flex the go-live dates if the project isn’t on track. Being pragmatic and allowing extra time could go a long way post go-live.


Migrating business data is a laborious task, but one which is absolutely vital in achieving a successful Infor implementation. Converting and collecting the data from the old system and transferring it across to the new can be drawn out task, especially when one has to cleanse the data, remove outdated records, and reach 100% accuracy. Data is arguably the focal point of a business; it drives success, therefore needs to be accurate – hence why this stage of the implementation is so important.

Your Team

Have a diverse, committed, talented team of professionals working on an Infor implementation is one of the key components of a successful project. Assigning the correct individuals to specific jobs on a project can make the journey towards go live somewhat smoother! Motivating your staff to achieve a common goal during an Infor implementation will create a buzz around the workplace. An implementation should be exciting, as it creates all sorts of new opportunities within a business. Expect and embrace the change, get a fully fledged user guide, arrange functional training for the end users and establish a sense of urgency.



I firmly believe that a successful implementation stems from the planning. Without having the foundations to build upon, the structure will collapse midway through a project. Not researching enough into the product, not investing in training the staff and not investing in the maintenance of the system will be the pitfalls of any business implementing Infor, or any ERP software for that matter.


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