SuiteConnect: Talks, Trends & Tech

This year, I had the pleasure of attending Oracle’s SuiteConnect! From start to finish, I had a great time learning more about NetSuite and talking to those of you from the NetSuite community who were also in attendance. There were loads of interesting insights gained from the event I thought worth sharing with you all.


Here are some of my key takeaways:


Tech & Talks…


Like the rest of the tech industry, AI was top on the agenda. “GenAI everywhere” was the phrase of the day with big talks from NetSuite’s leaders such as Evan Goldberg on how it will be integrated into all areas of the system. These followed announcements made a days earlier about the introduction of new generative AI capabilities within the Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Suite. Features are set to enhance decision-making and improve employee and customer experiences across finance, supply chain, HR, sales, marketing, and services.

It’s certainly an exciting time to be in the NetSuite market!    



Speaking with customers at the event, the theme I found most common amongst each was how NetSuite can be moulded and flexed to meet current business needs. Whilst initial ‘one-size fits all’ NetSuite packages have been instrumental in giving start-ups and small businesses the infrastructure they’ve needed to catalyse growth, it’s clear some are ready to take the next steps in levelling-up their system.

One thing NetSuite are great at (amongst others) is listening to customers and actioning feedback to improve the system. Unsurprisingly then, current demands fall completely in-line with NetSuite’s latest updates and product offerings that they have, and are continuing, to roll out. And it’s these new features customers are keen to use. The conversation very much focused on system potential and utilisation. Questions of how to close this gap were answered with solutions of inventory management, WMS and CRM customisations. This essentially, would enable businesses outgrowing their current infrastructure to use NetSuite more efficiently whilst supporting rapid growth.


Connecting with the community…

Projects in progress, I caught up with both new and existing client regarding their current system plans and support for their resource strategies. With ongoing discussions about resources taking place (click here to book in a meeting with myself), it's clear that the next few months will be a bustling time for the NetSuite market.


And, of course, one of the best parts of the day, was speaking face-to-face with those of you who I’ve supported in the process of landing their newest role. One of the biggest perks to my job as a recruiter is knowing that you’ve made a difference to someone’s life and seeing how happy people are in the opportunity you’ve connected them to. It was great to checking in with you all! 


If you weren't able to attend the event and we haven't been introduced already, I'd love to connect with you! Let's talk through either your NetSuite system or your NetSuite career goals.